A quick script for sending a batch of emails using a csv file. Each csv line contains an email address and the information I wish to populate in the email content and send to a single recipient. In this case, I wanted to send grades out for a group of students using a spreadsheet of grades from Google docs (and with my Gmail). With cursory preprocessing, I put the data in this format:
Firstname1 Lastname1,userID1,91.7,0.979 Firstname2 Lastname2,userID2,60.8,0.061 ...
Then, we can parse it and fire off our mailer with the following:
# erik reed import smtplib import csv from time import sleep from email.mime.text import MIMEText FROM_ADDRESS = "[email protected]" SMTP_SERVER = 'smtp.gmail.com:587' SMTP_USER = "ADD_ME" SMTP_PASS = "ADD_ME" def mail(msg): server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER) server.starttls() server.login(SMTP_USER,SMTP_PASS) server.sendmail(FROM_ADDRESS, msg['To'], msg.as_string()) server.quit() f = open('grades.csv') reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: content = 'Hi ' + row[0].strip().split(' ')[0] content += \ ''',\n\nThis is an automated message with your final exam grade. If you have any questions regarding exam grade, see ***** if you are in SV, otherwise talk to me. The average grade on the final exam was 76% with a standard deviation of 12.5%.\n\n''' content += 'You received a ' + str(row[2]) + '%, corresponding to ' content += 'the ' + str(float(row[3]) * 100) + 'th percentile.' content += '\n\nErik' msg = MIMEText(content) msg['To'] = row[1] + '@cmu.edu' msg['From'] = FROM_ADDRESS msg['Subject'] = 'Fastcode: exam grade for ' + row[1] msg.add_header('reply-to', FROM_ADDRESS) print msg.as_string() mail(msg) sleep(1) # pause after each email send f.close() |
This could be cleaned up a bit using better Python syntax, but it does the trick. Each email will look something like the following:
Hi Firstname1,
This is an automated message with your final exam grade. If
you have any questions regarding exam grade, see ***** if you
are in SV, otherwise talk to me. The average grade on the final
exam was 76% with a standard deviation of 12.5%.You received a 45%, corresponding to the 2.0th percentile.
Since you were already using Google Docs and Gmail, would it have been simpler to use Google Apps Script?
Google Apps Scripts would definitely work (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/articles/sending_emails) and the API is very slick. Pros and cons to both approaches. Using Python, I could (for example) have a program pipe data to the batch mailer on a server without smtp/root access. Thanks for pointing that out.