A full list of my publications/citations are here. Below I have a a few of my favorites and their figures.
In progress:
- Reed, E. and Mengshoel, O. “Bayesian Network Parameter Learning using EM with Parameter Sharing”. In Proceedings of the 11th Bayesian Applications Workshop, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2014.
- Reed, E., Hanson, A., and Cavanagh, P. “Optimizing Muscle Parameters in Musculoskeletal Models using Monte Carlo Simulation.” In Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Taylor & Francis. Aug. 2013.
- Reed, E. Ishihara, A. and Mengshoel, O. “Adaptive Control Of Apache Web Server”. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Feedback Computing, 2013.
- Reed, E. and Mengshoel, O. “Scaling Bayesian Network Parameter Learning using MapReduce”. In BigLearning Workshop of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2012). [paper][appendix][poster]
- Reed, E. Ishihara, A. and Mengshoel, O. “Adaptive Control Of Bayesian Network Computation”. In Proceedings of the International Symposium of Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS 2012). [paper][poster]
- Mengshoel, O. Ishihara, A. and Reed, E. “Reactive Bayesian Network Computation using Feedback Control: An Empirical Study.” In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Workshop (UAI 2012). [paper]
- Hanson, A. Reed, E. and Cavanagh, P. “Optimizing Muscle Parameters in Musculoskeletal Modeling Using Monte Carlo Simulations”. In NASA Human Research Investigators’ Workshop (HRP 2012). [abstract]
- Reed, E. Schumann, J. and Mengshoel, O. “Verification and Validation of System Health Management Models using Parametric Testing”. In Proceedings of Infotech Aerospace Conference 2011. [paper][abstract]